+62877-5812-3440 kontak@cyberstravel.id


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+62877-5812-3440 kontak@cyberstravel.id


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After creating an account, you'll be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
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* Creating an account means you're okay with our Terms of Service and Privacy Statement.
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Costa Rica Fun Adventure 8D/7N Vacation Package

Costa Rica Fun Adventure 8D/7N Vacation Package

San Jose, Costa Rica

Enjoy with us some of the best Costa Rica destinations, tours and experiences with this unique vacation package specially designed for nature lovers and adventurous people looking for an unforgettable experience in Costa Rica

This vacation package includes 8 days and 7 nights in high quality hotels, exclusive tours, meals listed in itinerary, professional naturalist tour guides, all entrance fees, deluxe transportation service and the visit the beautiful
following Costa Rican destinations: San José, Pacuare River, La Paz Waterfalls Gardens, Arenal Volcano and Manuel Antonio Park.


  • Booking cancellations may be made up to 2 days before your booking activity was due to happen.
  • Full refunds will be issued for cancellations made at least 2 days before the selected activity date
  • 50% refunds will be issued for cancellations made at least 6 days before the selected activity date.
  • 0% refunds will be issued for cancellations made at least 1000 days before the selected activity date.
  • In all cases you will be charged for the booking fees which cover the cost of payment processing and admin of managing your cancelation. This will be no more than 5.5% of the overall fee you have paid. The fee will be displayed in the checkout process as non-refundable.